talking Stressers and heart-sinkers at city & Islington College

What do students see as the biggest causes for concern when considering their imminent entry into the world of work? What are their hopes and expectations? These are just some of the discussion points I got some timely feedback on during the recent City and Islington College wellbeing days, supported by Reed in Partnership.

Understanding some of the main sources of anxiety and uncertainty for young people is especially timely during Mental Health Awareness Week – although we can all agree that doing something about this and reaching out with messages of reassurance and support must be perennial priority (rather than a once a year occurrence)! The format of the wellbeing days was pretty informal with students moving between the different stands and tables – plenty of opportunity to interact and gauge their views.

So, based on the discussions, what are the specific sources of anxiety for young people contemplating their very own future of work? Here’s the top 7 stressers and heart-sinkers:

* Not liking the people you work with 
* Not liking your boss
* Fear of not doing your job well
* Not being clear about your role
* Feeling that you’re not in the right job
* Being asked to do too much 
* Not earning enough money

Any additional stressers and heart-sinkers that could be added to the list – what do people reckon? 

And what’s the latest on the expectations front? 

There’s definitely something about trust and working for employers who are on the right side of the issues that matter most to young people. The feedback from my recent talks in schools and colleges definitely support the messages from the latest Edelman Trust Barometer – especially the finding that 80% of people expect business leaders to take a stand on the big issues of the day (including mental health and wellbeing!). That’s another reason for employers – both large and small – to get involved in initiatives like the recent wellbeing events in this corner of North West London!